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Star Jones’s Weight Loss Secret

Star Jones, who disappeared from the media spotlight for a while, has returned and is looking better than ever. Star Jones, worried about her weight, which was causing her health problems, recently underwent gastric bypass surgery, and amazingly, managed to keep it quiet until now. She looks fit and healthy and says she is very pleased with her progress. Star Jones recalls that growing up her family was pretty poor but her parents always made sure there was food on the table for their children. Star Jones was proud of her full figure until her weight began to get out of hand in college. Star said she put on weight quickly because she hadn’t exercised much all her life and she found comfort in fatty food. She had trouble finding a nice boyfriend because of her weight and finally decided that her body was getting in the way of her living her life. Star Jones did well in school when she was young but she was never encouraged to do any exercise.
Despite her self confidence and hard work, star found that her weight was holding her back from doing certain things. Star Jones was one of the hosts of a talk show called the View, which she was fired from about four years ago. At around the same time, star had her gastric bypass surgery and began losing weight almost right away. A few months into her weight loss journey, star jones met the man she was to marry. Star says her husband has been a great support to her in her struggle to lose weight. So why did star jones keep her surgery a secret for so long? Star Jones told glamour magazine that she was afraid to tell everyone about her gastric bypass surgery because she felt like a hypocrite.
Star Jones always said that she was proud of herself and feels confident in the way she looks, but having gastric bypass surgery would prove otherwise. Star jones no realizes that the best way for her to deal with people is to be honest about her gastric bypass surgery. However, she does want to warn her fans that gastric bypass surgery isn’t for everyone – it is a serious medical procedure. Star jones consulted with a number of doctors and they determined that gastric bypass surgery would be okay for star and that it was the only way for her to return to a healthy weight. Over three years, star jones lost about one hundred and sixty pounds! Star says that although she’s lost a lot of weight, she’s still recovering emotionally. Star Jones’s therapist told her that being open and honest with the world would help her on her way to recovery. After her bypass surgery, star must continue with her healthy eating routine and keep up the regular exercise if she is to maintain her new slim figure.