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Disadvantages: Bariatric Bypass Surgery

With vast improvements in the field of bariatric surgery for the morbidly obese, more and more people are who suffer from this life threatening condition are hearing about the benefits bariatric bypass surgery brings.

And for the most part, the positive feedback from people who have undergone bariatric bypass surgery is quickly spreading, and what’s better, it’s very true. But not for everyone. With the many benefits bariatric surgery brings, it also has some disadvantages that cannot go unrecognized.

Depending on the type of briatric procedure your doctor recommends, certain disadvantages may be attributed to it. For example, the Roux-en-y and Biliopancreatic Diversion both fall under the kinds of bariatric bypass surgeries available, but they both have specific advantages and disadvantages. In one instance (like Roux-en-y), there could be a potential for staple line failure, while another procedure (like BDP) could result in chronic diarrhea.

Other potential downfalls to the procedure include:

  • staple line failure
  • ulcers
  • narrowing/blockage of the stoma
  • vomiting if food is not properly chewed or if food is eaten to quickly
  • greater chance of chronic diarrhea, stomal ulcers, more foul smelling stools and flatus
  • higher risk of nutritional deficiencies
  • higher chance of micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamins and calcium

But these are post-operative risks and not so much a disadvantage concerning the procedure itself. In this instance, the biggest disadvantage to bariatric bypass is the fact that not everyone is eligible for the procedure.

More often than not, gastric bypass is accomplished using the laraproscopic method – using a camera to aid in the operation. This technique the least intrusive method and offers doctors a more accurate view during the procedure. The operation also gives patients a speedier recovery, resulting in less time spent at the hospital and more time at home, caring for that new body.

Unfortunately, some patients with a poor medical history and current medical condition do not qualify for the laparoscopic surgery. In fact, some do not qualify for bariatric bypass surgery – a procedure that is proven to help patients lose a large amount of weight, keep it off, and go on to live very productive lives.

As with any surgery, there are also pitfalls that may come with bariatric surgery which include routine and close follow-up checks and possibly follow-up surgery, nutritional deficiencies, and the development of gallstones. Also, women of child-bearing age who want to undergo bariatric bypass surgery should avoid pregnancy until after the procedure, when weight and health are at a maximum.

As more and more research goes into bariatric surgery, the disadvantages will most likely decline. The advantages already outweigh the disadvantages in bariatric treatment, especially in severe cases where bariatric surgery is often the only option for not only weight loss, but to improve the overall health of people who suffer from obesity. 
