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Endoscopic Breast Augmentation

In today’s fast paced world where appearances matter more than ever, the plastic surgery industry has grown exponentially and has finally gained mainstream acceptance. With everybody concerned with the way that they look and enticed by the possibility of surgically gaining their dream figure, it isn’t surprising that more and more people are turning towards plastic surgery. While there is numerous evidence of plastic surgery gone wrong with the large number of plastic surgery photos that can be found on the Internet that can only be described as either awful plastic surgery or just plain old bad plastic surgery, the growing number of celebrity plastic surgery cases has made many people feel at ease with the safety and effectiveness of plastic surgery treatments.
In the Plastic surgery world, one plastic surgery treatment continues to be immensely popular – breast augmentation. Although many people associate individuals that obtain breast implants through breast augmentation surgery as being superficial, there are actually a number of legitimately good reasons why many breast augmentation patients made their decision. While many breast augmentation surgery patients get breast implants because they feel that their breasts are too small in size, others undergo the treatment to fix disproportionate breasts. Other reasons for individuals to get breast augmentation are to fix the appearance of their breast following an accident or a disease that has negatively impacted their body or to restore breast volume that had been lost due to either pregnancy or weight loss. Regardless of the reason why people undergo breast augmentation surgery, there are a number of breast augmentation surgery risks and many people are concerned about how invasive the treatment is.
After all, if you take a look at breast augmentation before and after photos, it is hard to ignore the prominent permanent scar that is unfortunately a part of breast augmentation surgery. While many people want to get that extra size that come with a breast augmentation, many patients wonder whether or not there is a more effective and less invasive way to perform breast augmentation. One of the biggest reasons why the plastic surgery industry has grown so exponentially over the last decade has been the increased standards for safety and success. The number of technological innovations made in the plastic surgery industry has offset many of the Dangers of Plastic Surgery. No exception to this plastic surgery rule, plastic surgeons have created a less invasive method to perform breast augmentation that is known as endoscopic breast augmentation. With endoscopic breast augmentation surgery, it is now possible to obtain breast implants in a less invasive surgical method.

Endoscopic Breast Augmentation Surgery

Much like traditional surgical methods that are employed in breast augmentation surgery, the endoscopic breast augmentation surgery patient is given either a local anesthetic or general anesthetic to help them relax during the treatment. Endoscopic breast augmentation surgery is typically performed at either the plastic surgeon’s office facility, an outpatient surgery or at the hospital. Essentially, an endoscopic breast augmentation is similar to traditional breast augmentation surgery except that it uses innovative endoscope technology that results in less scarring. In endoscopic breast augmentation surgery, the plastic surgeon makes a few small incisions in either the patient’s underarm or navel. In contrast to the long incisions that are made in traditional breast augmentation surgery that is done so the plastic surgeon has the proper amount of room to add a breast implant, the incisions made in endoscopic breast augmentation surgery typically are less than an inch long. This is because the endoscope that is used in endoscopic breast augmentation treatments are small and only require a tiny incision to be able to be inserted into the patient’s body.
Many endoscopic breast augmentation patients are initially worried when they hear that their treatment will use an endoscope. While it is true that there are very few studies available that indicate what the long term effects of an endoscopic breast augmentation is, this is predominantly because endoscopic breast augmentation is a relatively new innovation. However, endoscopes have been used in surgical practices for decades, despite its recent usage in plastic surgery treatments. An endoscope is essentially a tube that has a tiny camera and bright light attached to one of its ends. Its special viewing technology allows the plastic surgeon to monitor the patient’s internal body structure as the endoscope is inserted into the incisions that the plastic surgeon has made in the patient’s body. By utilizing an endoscope, the plastic surgeon has the ability to position breast implants within the patient’s chest wall much easier than in traditional breast augmentation surgery. Additionally, an endoscope helps the plastic surgeon monitors the patient’s body and is an excellent way for the plastic surgeon to evaluate and solve some of the potential problems that can occur following breast augmentation surgery. For example, one of the biggest risks involved in breast augmentation surgery is the development of capsular contracture, a condition in which the breast implant hardens due to scar tissue forming around it and has to be removed. Through the use of an endoscope, the plastic surgeon is able to correct this problem.
Additionally, an endoscope allows the plastic surgeon to monitor the status of any existing breast implants that the patient may have. Once the plastic surgeon is finished inserting the breast implant onto the patient’s chest wall, they will then suture up the incisions. In addition to having the advantage of resulting in smaller scars, endoscopic breast augmentation surgery typically does not require as long of a recovery time as traditional breast lift surgery. With all of these advantages, it isn’t surprising to learn that many plastic surgeons feel that endoscopic breast augmentation represent the future standard for breast augmentation surgery. With its ability to replicate the same successful look of breast implants and its advantage of not resulting in long permanent scars, endoscopic breast augmentation is a great option for individuals that want to shake up the way that they look. The one disadvantage is that since the procedure is so new, not every plastic surgeon is qualified to perform this treatment. However, this will surely change in the near future.