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Healthy Eating Guidelines: How you can get on the fast lane to a life of healthy eating!

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, most people will agree that it all starts with how you eat.  After all, we all remember our mom’s saying, “You are what you eat.”  However, for many people, making sense of so-called experts discussing nutrition, protein, and other foodspeak can be hard.  To help you out, we have included an easy to use Healthy Eating Guideline that will help both you and your family.

Remember, the goal of Healthy Eating isn’t simply to lose weight.  Rather these Healthy Eating Guidelines are intended for you to obtain all the nutrients that your body needs to be healthy and reducing the risk of nutrition related diseases such as cancer and heart disease.  By following these simple Healthy Eating Guidelines, you will find that healthy eating isn’t as hard as it’s made out to be.  So do your body and mind a favor and follow these Healthy Eating Guidelines.

One of the first things that we learn in school are the different food groups.  While we have been told that each food group is important, we never really know how much of each food group we should eat.  One of the most important food groups are food and vegetables.  It is recommended that 30% of your diet should consist of fruit and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables including legumes like beans, peas, and lentils are important for your diet as studies have shown that high consumption of these foods will lower the risks of such diseases as: cancer, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.  It is recommended that you eat a variety of different colored fruit and vegetables to maximize the effect of this food group.

Another important component of your healthy eating diet should be eating a large amount of bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta.  By having your diet consist of 30% grains and potatoes, you will find that your intake of vitamins and other beneficial chemicals will increase.  Studies have shown that by eating these types of food, you will reduce the risk of cancer (especially bowel cancer) and coronary heart disease.  Additionally, eating whole grains and cereal fiber will reduce your craving for fatty foods.

A neglected part of a healthy eating plan is the importance of milk and dairy foods to a person’s overall health.  It is recommended that 15% of your diet should consist of milk and dairy foods.  Remember that the dairy foods that you consume should be of the low fat variety.  A major source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium, eating dairy foods will help reduce the chance of getting osteoporosis.

One of the most important chemicals your body needs is iron and meat and fish are major sources of it.  It is therefore recommended that your diet should consist of 15% meat and fish products.  By getting a proper intake of iron, you will reduce your chances of anaemia and other iron deficiency related diseases.  Additionally, meat and fish products provide your body with zinc, vitamin B12, and protein.  Regular meals of fish are recommended, as they are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.  For vegetarians, you are able to obtain iron from green vegetables, nuts, and beans.  Additionally, wholegrain serials are excellent vegetarian sources of iron and zinc.

The final 10% of your diet should consist of fat and sugary foods.  When eating foods with fat, it is recommended that you reduce your intake of foods heavy with saturate and trans fat.  Food that is heavy with saturated fat include butter, cheese, coconut oil, cream, fatty meats, milk, and palm oil.  It is recommended that you use low-fat milk, lean cuts of meat, and polyunsaturated spreads in your diet.

By following these simple Healthy Eating Guidelines, you will find that you are well on your way to a healthier and better life!
