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The anxiety attack panic syndrome is a condition whereby the victim suffers from certain fears that are only a fragment of the mind and as a result, develop into adverse physical conditions. The anxiety attack panic syndrome develops over time through a series of symptoms that keep recurring. The symptoms are caused by a number of biological changes that take place during times of anxiety and stress.

After an attack, the body is generally tired and you feel as if all your strength has vanished. The same way you feel after running a marathon or a ling distance. You will also be shaken and hence tremble after the short and intense experience. Unfortunately, the after effects of each anxiety panic attacks will only give you more reason to fear what will happen next and hence trigger the next one that comes. It is as if one attack keeps creating the ideal conditions for the next one.

Your face may feel numb or dead when you are suffering from the anxiety attack panic syndrome. The numbness in your face may lead to itchiness in your eyes, and will affect the physical feeling in your cheek, jaw and face. Muscular tension, which causes restriction around the nerves and blood vessels of in the neck, is the cause of the sudden physical feelings that take place on the face and the other facial features. This feeling will also leave you terrified. More so, when you do not know what is going on within your body. To overcome this, you should get a friend or a professional massager to massage your neck so that the physical feelings can disappear.

The anxiety attack panic syndrome will also exert some muscle pain and general tiredness even if you were not doing anything at all. The muscle tension is particularly experienced in the muscles around the neck and the shoulders but other areas of your body can also be affected such as the chest.  The worst tension that can take place in your body is the chest pain, as this will trigger shortness of breath and pain in your ribs. The chest pain may also cause your chest or breasts are without feeling, in other words, they feel numb. Back and neck pains in turn cause the blood vessels and nerves to become controlled and limited hence causing migraine headaches. All these symptoms cause discomfort despite that they do not last very long at a time. However, our biological systems differ so these anxiety panic attacks tend to last longer in certain individuals.

There are prevention and treatment methods that one can take to defeat anxiety attack panic syndrome. These include cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, and the intake of benzodiazepines, relaxation techniques and anti depressant drugs. It is also important to keep positive thoughts and say aloud positive statements that help you view the world in a more optimistic way.
The syndrome has unpleasant effects but it can be treated, prevented and controlled. You do not have to leave it control you, but control it instead.