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Yup, more and more people (especially women) are becoming depressed and according to findings, about 15 million adults in America are suffering from major depression. Major depressive disorder is a very serious medical illness, because unlike normal human emotional experiences such as loss, sadness or passing mood swings, major depressive disorder is an annoying persistent medical illness that can really interfere with the sufferer’s behaviour, mood, thoughts, physical health and activities. Major depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States and other developed nations than any other medical illness.

Symptoms of major depression include:
    Feelings of worthlessness, emptiness, hopelessness and guilt
    Always sad or in an irritable mood
    Physical slowing
    Evident changes in sleeping pattern, energy and appetite
    Recurring suicidal thoughts and of death
    Difficulty concentrating, thinking and recollection
    Persistent symptoms of aches and pains that do respond to treatment
    Lack of interest in once enjoyable activities

Causes of major depression are:

1)    Genetic Factors
According to statistics, children whose parents suffer from depression are more like to develop the condition themselves. Do you know that an individual has 27 percent chance of inheriting a mood disorder from a parent? What of if both parents are affected (you do the math).
2)    Age
Depression can occur at any age but it usually starts to affect individuals who are between the ages of 24 and 44. Research has shown that about 50% of people with major depressive disorder experienced their very first episode of depression at about the age of 40. Recent studies have shown that this disorder is becoming common among middle-aged people. Teenagers are also at risk of becoming depressed (this is part where you say “what is the world coming to?”). The evidence is the rate of teen suicides in the past year; it is still growing at an alarming rate!
3)    Environmental & Psychosocial factors
According to studies, major depression is usually common with individuals who have experienced trauma, physical abuse, bereavement at a tender age, physical disability, sexual abuse etc. Most adults who suffer from major depressive disorder are known to have lost a spouse or partner. Pregnant women are also at risk to suffer depression within the first couple of months after giving birth (known as postpartum depression). Major depression is very common in places afflicted with war, poverty and natural disasters.
4)    Gender
10 percent of men are affected by Major depressive disorder, while 20 percent of women are affected by this condition! Women have a higher risk of suffering from depression because of hormonal imbalances. The female hormone levels are often influenced by pregnancy – that is why many women experience depression after having a baby (for example, Broke Shields suffered a postpartum depression after giving birth to her baby).

There is no evidence whatsoever that depression affects a particular personality type more than other.  Although, your temperament and your perception of yourself and others around you may be predisposing factors.