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About 40 million adults in the United States suffer from one or more forms of anxiety disorder, causing them to be filled with fear and uncertainty. It is very normal to feel a little tense or even scared when you are under a lot of pressure or facing a stressful situation, because anxiety is our body’s natural alarm system when we are faced with a dangerous situation. But if your anxiety becomes constant or overwhelming, if it interferes with your relationships and daily activities – now that’s when you know that you have crossed the line from “normal” anxiety to what is known as an anxiety disorder.

Types of anxiety disorders include:

a)    Panic Disorder
This anxiety disorder is fear or discomfort that suddenly arises and climaxes in less than a couple of minutes, and can last for up to several hours. This anxiety can be triggered by fear, stress or even exercises!
b)    Generalized-Anxiety Disorder
Also known as GAD, this a common chronic disorder characterized by long-lasting anxiety that is not at all focused on any particular object or situation. Sufferers of GAD often worry non-stop about everyday issues such as finances, school, work, relationships etc.
c)    Phobia
This is the single largest category of anxiety disorders. This is when an individual’s anxiety is triggered by a specific situation such as the fear of certain animals, situation or objects – fear of snakes is perhaps the most common phobia, fear of speaking in public is known to be greater than the fear of death itself! Fear of flying is also very common.
d)    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
This anxiety disorder is characterized by repetitive obsessions and compulsions (just think of Bree Van Decamp of “Desperate Housewives” who just loves to clean). Most times their ritual ends up controlling them (Bree had to make the bed before taking her critically ill husband to the hospital!). Another example, if an individual is obsessed with germs or dirt, he or she may develop a compulsion to wash their hands over and over again until their hands are raw from all the washing.
e)    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This is an anxiety disorder which often results from traumatic events such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, near death experiences, hostage situation; it can also develop from long term stress factors.
f)    Separation Anxiety
This anxiety affects about 7 percent of adults and 4 percent of children. This is a feeling of exaggerated and inappropriate anxiety over being separated from a person or place.

Anxiety disorder can be cured using the following remedies:

    Medication
    Cognitive-behaviorial therapy
    Psychotherapy
    Exposure therapy
    Lifestyle changes
    Herbal Remedies
    Healthy diet
    Vitamins
    Relaxation techniques
    Hypnosis

Preventive measures

    Cut down on caffeine intake, excessive alcohol abuse, because they are known to trigger anxiety attacks.
    Relax and avoid situations and people who will live you stressed out.
    As soon as you sense an anxiety attack coming on, simply go into the bathroom and have a nice long warm shower or bath – that ought to keep you relaxed.