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Dealing with the problem of bipolar disorder and panic attacks has pushed the medical and professional medical help disciplines into higher levels of knowledge in the past years. Much has been discovered about the bipolar and panic attack conditions in the past years than what was known about the condition in the distant yester years. Anxiety can e taken as an indicator of developed or developing bipolar conditions. The development of the anxiety and bipolar disorder is also commonly characterised by mood swings. Mood swings entail the drastic shifts in moods. This is a mere escalating and fluctuation through highs and lows in one’s moods for no apparent reason. If you are under the siege of panic attacks you are gripped with an overwhelming feeling of fear and many times you do not understand why.

In trying to describe the condition of anxiety and signal of a developing bipolar disorder Dr Emil Kraepelin named what she termed 'anxious mania' and 'great restlessness' together with 'excited depression'. The medical professional identified anxiety as one of the key components of the bipolar illness. Medical research has unveiled that there are two ways in which one can experience the problem of bipolar and anxiety conditions in relation to one another. The first condition is that you can then have anxiety disorder popping up as a key symptom or signal of a developing bipolar disorder. The second manner is that in which you can have the problem or condition of anxiety coming upon the condition of bipolar disorder as a separate but related entity.

The condition of anxiety as a symptom of bipolar disorder is marked with great restlessness and in this condition the victim can not be still. Major markers of this condition are restlessness postures; the victim will keep pacing about and can sit and be still. This is also normally comes with the edge to pick at one's nails as well as keeping the feet bouncing on the floor during a dialogue or conversation. The agitation is normally internal and intrinsic and it comes with racing thoughts where-in the victim is going through too many thoughts at a given point. The kind of anxiety which comes separately upon a separate condition of bipolar disorder is characterised by one developing mere anxiety disorder problems without any relation whatsoever to the bipolar condition. The kind of anxiety disorder which are separate from the conditions of bipolar disorder enlist Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), social phobia, panic disorders as well Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The other associative aspect of the separate anxiety condition is the obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and other specific phobias. The understanding of the difference is of critical importance if these conditions have be treated or dealt with fruitfully. 