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Because microdermabrasion is a form of surgery the usual risks that go along with any major procedure should be taken into account. 

For instance, because of the intensity of the treatment, the patient must be put under with an anesthetic.  So be sure to tell your doctor of any allergies or other serious medical conditions that could get in the way of a successful surgery.  This includes a heart condition.

There is not too much to worry about though, the anesthetic they use is a local one that is actually administered as a spray, so it only numbs the area that is to be treated.  In most cases the doctor will tell you that the most important way to minimize the hazards of the surgery is to relax.  Excess tension or movement will put your results in jeopardy.

After the procedure your skin will feel as though it has been almost burned.  This is a normal feeling and you should not get too worked up about it.  After all, they are taking off a layer of your face.

Your doctor will then give you some medication to help you deal with the discomfort.  So, much like the anesthetic you should make sure that your doctor knows about any health issues you may have before you take the medication.  Of course, problems are very are, and if they do occur they are often very minor.

Your healing will occur in about 7 to 10 days.  Your skin will look very pink for this time.  At first you should simply leave it alone, but after a couple days feel free to put on makeup to conceal the pigment change.

You can expect to be back to 100% after a couple weeks although the pinkness may still linger for some time.  It is also crucial to wear sunscreen if you are venturing outdoors, as your skin is still tender and new.  It will burn very easily, and a sunburn after microdermabrasion can be very painful.

As far as side effects, these are the most common:

  • Temporary or permanent uneven changes in skin color;
  • Temporary or permanent darkening of the skin -- usually caused by sun exposure in the days and months following surgery;
  • Scar tissue;
  • Infection.