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Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Treatment of periodontal disease can be effective in stopping the progression of periodontal disease including gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation or swelling of the gum tissues suffered by millions of people. When plaque, the bacterial film that grows on your teeth, builds up too much, gingivitis can result. T he plaque that causes gingivitis irritates the gums, making them bright red, tender, swollen, sensitive, and bleed readily. Treatment of periodontal disease is necessary to prevent the progression of these diseases and stop massive oral damage and eventual tooth loss.

Treatment of periodontal disease can be effectively practiced at home Rinsing the mouth with a warm saltwater solution daily can be an effective treatment of periodontal disease. There are also many products available to treat periodontal disease. If treatments of periodontal disease are not practiced, gingivitis and periodontal disease can dramatically worsen over time. However, most cases of gingivitis and periodontal disease can be prevented with proper oral hygiene.

Treatment of periodontal disease is necessity to keep periodontal disease in check. With superior oral hygiene, and treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease can be almost entirely avoided. There are some all-natural dental care products made from the essential oils of almond, spearmint, and peppermint. They can provides an effective treatment of periodontal disease by cleaning the mouth and killing the bacteria that causes plaque, thus preventing the problem before it starts.

Scaling, polishing, and sometimes curettage are used to manage periodontal disease. They are usually accomplished in a series of three to four visits spaced about a week apart. For cleaning and scaling, the dental hygienist or practitioner generally uses both ultrasonic and manual instruments to remove calculus. Curettage removes the diseased soft tissue lining the periodontal pockets. It is a manual procedure and permits a deeper and more complete cleaning than ultrasound. It does not add any significant benefits for shallow pockets. Local anesthesia is often used.

Surgery is also an option. Surgery allows access for deep cleaning of the root surface, removal of diseased tissue, and repositioning and shaping of the bones, gum, and tissues supporting the teeth. (Some studies have reported that although surgical treatment reduced pocket depth more than non-surgical therapies for at least one year after the procedure, benefits from surgery do not persist beyond five years, except in very deep pockets.) Surgical procedures vary depending on the individual diagnosis and needs of the patient.
