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Oral Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons perform a wide variety of procedures. Removal of impacted teeth. Treatment of dry sockets , Temporomandibular Joint Disease, facial pain, fractured jaws, chin augmentation, tooth replacement therapy, orthognathic and reconstructive rurgery, oral pathology and biopsy, and treatment facial trauma.

There are several kinds of oral surgery, each one different depending on the problem(s) or special needs you might require. Situations that lend themselves to surgery are:

·        Apertognathia is a situation when the back teeth meet but the front teeth do not touch. This space causes difficulty in biting with the front teeth

·        Prognathia is a situation where the lower jaw is too large and grows too far forward. Surgery can be used to slide the lower jaw back.

·        Retrognatia is a situation where there is a "severe" overbite. These situations are managed with surgery and orthodontics together.

·        Vertical Maxiallary Excess also known as the gummy smile. In this case the upper jaw has grown too far down. Surgery can move the jaw upward to create a much nicer looking smile.

·        If you believe you have any of these situations discuss them with your dentist who will refer to specialists qualified to carry out these procedures.

Tooth extraction is also a kind of surgery. One of the main goals of modern dentistry is the prevention of tooth loss. All possible measures should be taken to preserve and maintain your teeth because the loss of a single tooth can have a major impact upon your dental health and appearance.

One of the biggest obstacles regarding oral surgery is fear. Nobody likes going to the dentist, but for those who suffer dental phobias, a trip to the dentist's office is more than unpleasant: It's a descent into hell. If your primary concern is pain, find out what forms of anesthesia the dentist can offer.  Local anesthesia isn't 100 percent effective in all patients. It's important to see someone who can provide options. For example, one relatively simple technique for reducing anxiety is to use a local anesthetic that does not contain epinephrine, which can make the heart race and escalate a patient's sense of panic.  Other options include nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or pre-medication with anxiety-reducing drugs.

A trip to the dentist doesn’t have to be a scary experience. Dental surgeons are professionals who pride themselves on making your mouth healthy and your smile beautiful.
