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NAR To Assist Tsunami-Affected Region

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) have announced that they will donate an initial amount of $50,000 to aid victims of the devastating tsunami that ravaged Southeast Asian countries.  The $50,000 will go towards starting a special project  - the Tsunami Relief Project. 

The announcement was made by NAR president Al Mansell, who is also the president of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Salt Lake City, last week through an open letter addressed to the over one million members of the NAR.  In the letter, Mansell expressed that he had bee “overwhelmed by the news of the loss of life and devastation suffered by the victims of the terrible natural disaster in Southeast Asia”.  Mansell stated that the $50,000 will come from the NAR treasury.  He also urged members to help the effort with personal donations of any amount, in which the NAR will absorb all administrative costs so that every penny of donations will go directly to ensure the victims' well being. 

Just after the news of the initiation of a special NAR Tsunami Relief Project was announced, John L. Scott Real Estate made a donation of $10,000 towards the project by the company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, J. Lennox Scott on behalf of the sales associates, staff, and leadership team of the company.  “All of us at John L. Scott are extremely saddened by the devastation caused by the tsunami in Southeast Asia,” said Scott.  “I’m thankful for the relief effort that is being put forth by our realtor family through the Tsunami Relief Project and I commend NAR for their prompt response to this monumental disaster.”  Scott added that he would continue to encourage agents, support staff, and the leadership team within John L. Scott Real Estate and its affiliated partners to contribute to NAR’s Tsunami Relief Project.

The NAR is working with international partners in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand to identify the best means to deliver relief to those in greatest need.  The NAR will also develop ways in which they can help members of the international Realtor family who have been affected by this tragedy.

The tsunami, a gigantic tidal wave was triggered by a massive earthquake that registered almost a 10.0 on the Richter scale, one of the largest in recent memory.  The epicenter of the earthquake was below the Indian Ocean near Indonesia’s island of Sumatra.  The earthquake led to the vertical displacement of massive volumes of water, which initiated the tsunami.  There have been 13 countries that have reported deaths resulting from the tsunami, however the most affected countries are Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.  The death toll is reported to be about 150,000 but is expected to rise as many people are still missing.  Equally tragic, is the destitute state that has left millions of people homeless and financially ruined.  Aid organizations are concerned now with the providing a stable infrastructure where these people will have access to shelter, food, clean water, and medical help. 

All contributions to the NAR’s Tsunami Relief Project is most welcomed.  Donations can be made online through NAR’s e-commerce system at: https://www.realtor.org/RelFundTrack.nsf/Contribution?OpenForm.  For donations by mail, contributors can be sent to Realtor Tsunami Relief Project, Attn: NAR Finance Division, 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60611, with checks made payable to the: Realtor Tsunami Relief Project.  All contributions are tax deductible.