Adding A Little Love to All Holidays
In our busy world I think it’s pretty accurate to see that we live for the holidays. By holidays I mean everything from vacations to Christmas, Thanksgiving and other special holidays. The constant throughout all of these days is the free time we get to spend with our friends and family. I’d say time spent with friends and family is worth putting some extra effort into, wouldn’t you? There are all kinds of great ways that you can add a little extra fun to the holidays so that your get-togethers are always the most memorable. Check out these ideas.
Make it a movie night: A holiday spent at home with the family can take on a whole new twist by adding to it a special movie and all the trimmings. Rent a funny movie that everyone will enjoy, set up the family room with a couple of throws on the sofa and large cushions on the floor that are perfect for sitting on to make sure that everyone has a comfy place to watch the movie. Make a few different kinds of popcorns-flavored, light, super buttery-so there’s something yummy for everyone. If you plan a little in advance you can even purchase or order special popcorn bags to bring in that movie theatre feel! Dim the lights and enjoy the film surrounded by your loved ones.
Old Fashioned Christmas: Who says you need to go the commercial or modern route to celebrate Christmas? I’m not suggesting you cause an uproar by banning techie gifts and gadgets! I mean that all of the other stuff can be done with a traditional flavor that involves the entire family. Decorating your tree together is a must! Don’t rush it or treat it as just another chore during the holiday season but instead make a day of it. Make Christmas cookies, string popcorn and even have the kids make decorations out of paper and then decorate the tree as a family while listening to carols and drinking eggnog. You may hear the odd moan and groan from the kids that say they’d rather be playing Nintendo or chillin’ with their friends, but I guarantee you that will go down in history as the best Christmas ever and one that they’ll never forget.
Please remember that Decorating your white Christmas tree together is a must! Don’t rush it or treat it as just another chore during the holiday season but instead make a day of it. Make Christmas cookies, string popcorn and even have the kids make decorations out of paper and then decorate the tree as a family while listening to carols and drinking eggnog.
Valentine’s Day: I’ve heard it all about Valentine’s Day being a product of the greeting card companies, blah, blah, blah. The thing is does it matter how it came to be? It’s here, it’s a day that people celebrate and while I believe that couples should see every day as Valentine’s Day I am also smart enough to know that it just ain’t gonna happen! This is one day where husbands should endure the embarrassment and discomfort of doing something romantic—the sort of thing that make your friends roll on the floor in hysterics as they make fun of you. Chances are that other than the odd bitch-fest, you get away with not doing anything sweet or romantic all year, so why not suck it up and throw her a bone already?! You don’t need to walk into a lingerie shop or even buy a cheesy greeting card, but you need to do something from the heart and all it takes is something simple. Make her a card and I can promise you’ll make her squeal with delight and if you explain why you love her so much or recount the day you fell in love with her that will pretty much cinch a few nights of special thank yous! It’s worth it, no?
Holidays are already special, but with a little extra time and love you can take them to the next level. This is what memories are made of.