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Calcium: Milk it Does a Body Good!

One of the most important parts of living a healthy lifestyle is making sure that you are getting the proper nutrients in your body. One of the most important mineral nutrients that your body requires is calcium. Playing a fundamental role in the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the body, calcium generally accounts for 1.5% to 2% of your body weight. While it is best known for being essential in the formation of and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, Element Calcium is also responsible for blood coagulation, muscle contraction and relaxation, normal heartbeat, stimulation of hormone secretion, and transmission of nerve impulses. To ensure your health, it is important to make sure you are obtaining an adequate amount of calcium a day.
It is recommended that adults between the ages of 19 and 50 should obtain 1000 mg of calcium a day. For individuals older than 50, the recommended intake of calcium is 1200 mg of calcium a day. Medical experts have shown that a deficit in your calcium levels can negatively impact your bone and tooth formation. This can lead to osteoporosis, a disease in which your bones deteriorate to the point where they are susceptible to fractures. However, over retention of calcium is known to cause kidney stones. In order for you to obtain your necessary level of calcium, it is important to eat foods that are high in calcium levels. The most common source of calcium are dairy products like milk and cheese. It is recommended that children between the ages of 1 and 2 years old consume whole milk.
However, for individuals who are concerned about the fat content of dairy products, you will be relieved to know that the fat content of dairy products to do not affect its calcium content. Therefore, if you are worried about the fat content of milk, you will be able to obtain the necessary calcium content of milk in either low-fat milk or skim milk. Other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, buttermilk are fantastic sources of calcium.
However, there are many individuals who are either lactose-intolerant or allergic to dairy products. Therefore, to help you out, here is a list of other foods that are known to have high calcium content: beans; green leafy vegetables like broccoli, collard greens, kale, and bok choy; nuts; oranges; salmon; sardines; seaweeds like kelp, wakame, and hijiki; and soy milk. For individuals who are concerned about their calcium intake and worry that their eating habits do not provide enough calcium, it is possible to take calcium supplements. It is generally recommended that you take less than 500 mg of calcium supplements at a time. Popular calcium supplements include: calcium aspartate; calcium carbonate; calcium citrate; calcium lactate; and calcium phosphate. If you want to live a healthier life, you have to take care of your body. Make sure that you have enough calcium in your diet and you will be on the way to a healthy life!