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Wisdom Teeth

 Wisdom teeth are the large molars at the end of each row of teeth, resulting in a total of four wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars as they are the last to emerge. Typically, wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Sometimes, wisdom teeth don’t erupt because surrounding teeth affect them.



Extracting wisdom teeth has been a controversial issue in the dental community as both advantages and disadvantages come into play. Some of the disadvantages include pain in the jaw and interfering with the regular functions of sinuses.

In past years, dentists performed dental examinations to determine whether or not to extract wisdom teeth. Today, scientific advances have developed dental technology including digital x-rays and panoramic x-rays to determine the need for wisdom tooth extraction. These new tools can also help determine the associated risks for people over the age of 35.

If wisdom teeth suggest possible complications, it’s best to remove them. Waiting to extract wisdom teeth to the point of medical concern increases the risk of further problems. Dentists recommend extracting wisdom teeth that pose problems by the age of 18.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth 

When wisdom teeth erupt, they do not necessarily cause pain or discomfort. However, eruption of wisdom teeth can result in some problems that must be tended to promptly.

How can you tell if you have impacted wisdom teeth? The most common problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth include:


1)      Earaches

2)      Stiff jaw

3)      General pain and tenderness

4)      Swelling


What Happens if I Don’t Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth? 

If you neglect to extract impacted wisdom teeth, you may experience the following:


1)      Irritation in gum tissue: impacted wisdom teeth encourage irritation in the gum tissue. Moreover, if your wisdom teeth erupt in a crooked manner, you may face difficulty cleaning your gums.

2)      Loss of bone

3)      Expansion of the jaw

4)      Congestion and sinus problems

5)      Changes in dentures

6)      Cysts

7)      Tumors

8)      Shifting in your teeth


The Benefits of Leaving Wisdom Teeth in the Mouth 

Like anything else, there is a plus side to leaving wisdom teeth in the mouth. They can serve as physical support for a dental bridge. Wisdom teeth can also replace a missing molar.
