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Breast Augmentation Risks

Over the last ten years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of plastic surgery treatments performed in this country. Plastic Surgery has gone through a startling transformation and what was once viewed as a strange practice reserved for the rich and eccentric has now gone mainstream. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) reported that in 2005 approximately 11.5 million plastic surgery treatments were performed in America alone, which represents a 444% increase from the numbers that they reported on in 1997. The second most popular cosmetic surgical treatment was breast augmentation with over 350,000 breast augmentation surgery treatments performed in 2005. Although breast augmentation has been popularized through celebrity plastic surgery cases like Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith, undergoing breast augmentation surgery is a serious thing to consider. After all, while the vast majority of breast augmentation surgery cases are safe and successful, there are a number of breast augmentation risks that people should be aware of. While many of the risks related to breast augmentation surgery are extremely rare, it is important for people that are thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery to be aware of the Dangers of Plastic Surgery. When you look at breast augmentation before and after photos, you often see the most successful treatments that are performed. However, there are numerous breast augmentation photos that you can find on the Internet that can only be described as awful plastic surgery. While both of these sets of photos tend to offer extreme versions of what transpires following breast augmentation surgery, it is important to consider what happens with plastic surgery gone wrong when you undergo breast augmentation surgery. The most important way to avoid potential complications from occurring when you undergo breast augmentation surgery is to take the time and utilize the services of a board certified plastic surgeon that has a proven track record of performing successful breast augmentation surgery treatments. While money may seem like the biggest difference between a qualified plastic surgeon and a novice cosmetic surgeon, you will rue not spending that extra bit of change when you leave your cheaper breast augmentation surgery lamenting your bad plastic surgery. In addition to using the services of a qualified plastic surgeon, it is important that you follow the plastic surgeon’s advice on how to prepare for breast augmentation surgery and how to recover following the treatment. The vast number of breast augmentation surgery that can be defined as plastic surgery gone wrong have been due to the patient not following their plastic surgeon’s advice. After all, if you don’t follow the plastic surgeon’s instructions on how to prepare for the breast augmentation treatment, there is a higher chance that your body is not prepared to recover from the invasive surgery. Although rare, one of the worst potential risks involved in breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture. There are very ways to describe how horrible this is and this is definitely a case of plastic surgery gone wrong … very, very wrong. Capsular contracture refers to the formation of scarring around the breast implant. In moderate or severe cases of capsular contracture, the breast implant hardens and can cause the breast implant to look unnatural. In some cases, capsular contracture can cause the person to feel pain and the only way to correct it is to undergo breast implant removal surgery to remove the scar and to insert a new breast implant. When you see horrible breast augmentation photos, they are often depicting capsular contracture. Another risk that is unavoidable when undergoing breast augmentation surgery is the fact that breast implants interfere with mammograms. A mammogram is an effective test that is used predominantly to look for the presence of tumors or cysts on a person’s breast. However, when you undergo breast augmentation surgery, the reality is that your breast implants will interfere with a mammogram’s ability to see all of your breast tissue. For individuals that get breast implants under their muscle, mammograms will be able to detect about 90% of your breast tissue. However, for individuals that get breast implants over the muscle, they will reduce the mammogram’s ability to see about 75% of your breast tissue. While mammograms are most associated with early detection of breast cancer, it is important to note that having breast implants does not interfere with a person’s ability to do self-breast examinations that are most effective in detecting breast cancer. Additionally, breast augmentation does not interfere with ultrasounds or MRI scans. Other potential risks of breast augmentation surgery are breast implant displacement and breast implant deflation. There are rare instances where a breast implant will shift out of position. In cases, where it moves just slightly, there’s a good chance that you won’t even notice. However, when the breast implant continues to move around a lot, then there is a good chance that you will have undergo further surgery. In instances where the breast implant deflates, there are much different consequences depending on the breast implant filler material that was used in the breast implant. In cases where it is a saline breast implant that deflates, the saline material will enter the bloodstream and will leave the body after a day to little consequence. However, with silicone breast implants the silicone gel that is used in the breast implant can cause a negative reaction in the patient’s body and can actually cause capsular contracture. In both cases, you will have to undergo another breast augmentation surgery to correct the problem. Another potential complication that can occur following breast augmentation surgery is known as rippling. When you see breast augmentation photos that show skin looking wavy over breast implants, they are documenting this phenomenon. The reason why rippling occurs is because of the saline shifting and it may require further surgery to correct it, particularly if it occurs in the upper part of the breast implant that is visible when wearing swim wear or revealing clothes. One of the biggest risks of breast augmentation surgery is infection and this typically occurs within the first two months following the surgery. Plastic surgeons estimate that infection occurs in 1% of all breast augmentation surgery and can only be treated with the removal of the breast implant and antibiotics. The particularly troublesome thing about breast implant infection is that the patient has to wait six months before a new breast implant can be put in, so people that have infected breast implants are often forced to wait several months with severely uneven breasts.