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  • My Dad Sucks
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  • Lives Evolving
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  • Making the Most of Your Relationships


    Relationships mean different things to different people; not surprising when you think of all the different types of relationships in our lives. We got our family relationships, those that we have with our friends, our spouses or significant others. Although they all do share some of the same things, like caring, trust and respect; they really are all very different from each other.


    Relationships are an incredible thing even if they don’t always feel that way. We learn and grow from our experiences with them, even from the things that don’t quite go as we’d hoped or cause us pain. Building better relationships can help us to surround ourselves with the types of relationships and loved ones that bring out the best in us. Here are some things that you can do to help you make the most of the relationships you have and help you to build better ones in the future.


    Open Up. We often close ourselves off from others for various reasons. Some of us just keep to ourselves and shut others out as a way of dealing with things while others have a fear of giving too much of themselves only to be disappointed in the end. Taking the leap and allowing yourself to open up and share your feelings with someone may be scary but can help you to form a bond with another person through sharing yourself.


    Learn to Trust. Depending on past experiences, you may find it difficult to fully trust others and it can be exhausting to say the least. By allowing yourself to trust others unless they’ve given you reason not to, you are finally able to keep yourself open to the possibility of true love. A suspicious mind can quickly poison things in any type of relationship.


    Treat Others As You’d Like to Be Treated Yourself: These are incredible words to live by. By making a point of always remembering to treat others the way that you wish to be treated, you will naturally show people respect and in turn gain respect.


    By doing those three simple things, you can improve your relationships with anyone, from your parents to your children to even your colleagues. Regardless of how strained a relationship may seem, it’s never too late to start applying the aforementioned advice and trying to repair the damage done by past hurt. You may not always gain back the same relationship that you once had, but you will gain that person’s respect by showing them that you care enough to try.


    If you can live each day understanding that all relationships are a blessing, then you’ll be in for a happier existence and in turn others will to thanks to the positive energy and love that you exude. No matter whether it’s the strong bond of a family relationship or the relationship with a colleague that’s based on respect; making the most of your relationships and appreciating them for all that they do for you will make it easier for you to be the best friend, child, sibling, lover or parent that you possibly can.


