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Got Twins? + ADD YOUR SITE (111 members)Got twins? Write a blog, weblog, or online journal? This community's for you!
Indigo Girl Parenting twin girls after infertility
D Girl I am a mother of twins that works full-time. Come check out my thoughts on hating work, loving my babies and trying to not act my age.
Cindy's Blog My chaotic life raising six kids, including identical twin boys.
2 Wild Monkeys Check the Adventures of Monkey Mama and her 2 year old identical twin girls! Ranting bragging whining and lots of love can all be found here! We rock so check us out!
Dad2twins The Amazing Adventures of the Farty Pants Twins and other crap I like to write about.
Pirate Papa: A Journal of Anarcho-Green Parenting When my twin daughters Lyli & Scarleht were born 6.1.04 some talk flew about our belfrys concerning a papa 'zine & its dire societal necessity. i had never seen one at the time & to date have found only ...
The Baby Juggler Working Mom Ravings The life and times of a 40-something working mother of twins/former editor/reporter turned marketing pro.
My rantings and ravings about motherhood, popular culture, the joys of twins and life.
The Joys of Twins The experiences of a Mom with fraternal twin boys. Starting with the pregnancy and ongoing into the years to come.
Organized Chaos Mother of Twins & More A weblog recounting the adventures, trials and mishaps befalling me, a mother of twin boys. Advice, complaints and amusing stories pepper the blog.
Coopcorb A blog
evolving A personal blog/journal about a RN turned SAHM with fraternal b/g twins who happens to be married to the military.
One Crazy Fiber Lady I'm a seriously fiber afflicted, lawyer turned programmer, SMC with a pair of adorable twins who are the light of my life.
Whoa Mama! Mother of twin boys. What could be more exciting?
LaLaGirl - Twinfinte Chaos SAHM of 5 kiddos, including two sets of twins.
Rainbow's Point mamahog n the lets
the notebook of a cornish, usually happily single mum of twin girls living in istanbul. i'm generally against baking unless i'm hungover and the angels demand it. into free expression with colours, mess ...
The Alpha Team Blog Pourri A combination of incongruous things, A miscellaneous anthology or collection, A mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air, You'll get it all here, but it isn't gonna smell pretty ...
All This.... Musings on motherhood of twins and more, after 3 years of infertility and the pregnancy from hell.
gcommunitya diaries male factor infertility, motherhood, and other musings
Boudica's Babies A place to be an adult writing about my SAHM life with twins, step-sons, a teen aged daughter, and a hyper-active almost-grade-schooler.
What was I THINKING? Musings of a single mother of teenage twins including stories that will consider boarding school. Teenage Twins: a mother's nightmare in action!
Two Okapis - A Digital Daddy Diary I am the Two Okapis' Daddy. I write about the challenges and rewards of working full-time while trying to be as involved as possible with my Okapis. I write ducommunity the only disposable time of my day. ...