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Teeth Whitening

Who isn’t a sucker for a great smile?  After all, a beautiful smile can light up a room and is a great way to make a fantastic impression.  It is an irresistible tool that will soften the hardest soul, but it can also be a detriment.  After all, a big smile that shows off stained and discolored teeth can be a bit uncomfortable.  However, you shouldn’t let poorly colored teeth take away your desire to smile.  Rather with popular dental makeover treatments like teeth whitening you are able to regain that perfect smile that will make everybody swoon.

The dental industry has radically improved over the last decade, perfecting new techniques that improve both the cosmetic appeal and health of your teeth.  This can be seen in the popularization of teeth whitening in recent years.  If you are interested in teeth whitening, you have a couple of options available to you.  You are able to have an in-office bleaching treatment done, use at-home bleaching kits to get that perfect white teeth look, or use whitening toothpastes that can lighten up your teeth’s appearance.

The most effective teeth whitening treatment that you can do is in-office bleaching.  It is a treatment that is completely performed by a dentist and generally requires a couple of visits in this dental makeover treatment.  In an in-office bleaching, a dentist will apply a bleaching agent directly to your teeth.  During this time, your gums are protected with either a protective gel or a rubber shield.  Once the bleaching agent has been applied, the dentist will use some type of special light that will spur the bleaching agent into action.  This is a fantastic way to whiten your teeth, although this is generally the most expensive teeth whitening option out there for you.

Let’s face it, most people do not want to go the dentist for any reason and there are many teeth whitening options that you can use in the comfort of your own home.  One teeth whitening option available is using prescribed bleaching solutions that you are able to obtain from your dentist.  These bleaching solutions typically contain peroxide that will whiten your teeth.  You apply these bleaching gels into a mouth guard that you will wear overnight.  It is a fantastic way to whiten your teeth, although you should check in with your dentist to see how to properly use this at-home treatment.

Another effective way to whiten your teeth is to use whitening toothpaste when you brush your teeth.  Although a toothpaste does not alter your teeth’s intrinsic color, it is a great way to remove surface stain that causes teeth discoloration.  These whitening toothpastes generally contain some type of polishing agent or special chemicals that can help you reverse the effects of stained teeth.

Don’t let stained teeth affect your smile.  By being able to flash a set of pearly whites, you will feel much more confident in the way that you look.  Through the dental makeover treatment of teeth whitening, you can enhance your life!
